Funerals & grieving during coronavirus - COVID-19 can't stop love — LifeWeb 360

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Coping with grief during the holidays

Whether this is the first holiday or it’s been years since a loved one passed away, the holiday season’s focus on traditions and togetherness can often intensify feelings of grief and loss. Understanding how you, family members, and friends may be affected during this time of year can help you prepare to navigate these feelings and support those in your life who may be struggling with grief themselves.

We hope the following resources, tips, and strategies will help you find strength during difficult moments and allow you to celebrate this year’s holidays in a way that’s right for you and your loved ones.

When you’re grieving…

When family or friends are grieving…

  • Watch this 4-minute video from Refuge in Grief on how to help a grieving friend.

  • Check out these practical tips on supporting a grieving loved one during the holiday season from our friends at Help Texts.

  • Read Give InKind’s answers to commonly asked questions about if and how you can support bereaved families and friends during the holidays.

  • Love big and you can’t go wrong.

when a child is grieving…

  • Download the Eluna Network’s Holiday Toolkit for supporting grieving children, which includes activities, conversation prompts, tips on navigating issues specific to each holiday, and more.

  • Check out this article on How to Support a Grieving Child During the Holidaysfrom Lantern that provides tips for helping children cope.

  • Read 3 experts’ advice on practical steps you can take to support kids whose families have changed.

  • Are you an educator? Take a look at this article from the Eluna Network that focuses specifically on how you can help any of your students who may be grieving during the holiday season.

About Us:

LifeWeb 360 helps communities celebrate the life and impact of loved ones who have passed away by providing a digital space where memories can be preserved forever. Stories, photos, and video memories can be gathered over time and even transformed into a physical book you can hold in your hands.